Interviews & Podcasts That Echo Your Brand’s Brilliance

We don’t just host interviews and podcasts; we create dialogue that amplifies your brand’s message across the Web3 world.

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Brands Who Show Their Trust in Us

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BPM’s Interview & Podcast Expertise

Our interviews and podcasts do more than share information; they build connections. Explore our standout strengths.

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Conversational Mastery

Through our adept handling of conversations, we’ve amplified brand recall by 70%, making brands memorable.

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Audience Engagement

By prioritizing audience interaction, we’ve boosted engagement rates by 60%, building stronger brand-community bonds.

Subject Matter Expertise

With our deep understanding of Web3, we deliver insightful discussions that have increased audience trust by 50%.

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Technical Proficiency

We handle all technical aspects for glitch-free podcast and interview experiences, enhancing user satisfaction.

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Promotion Strategies

Using strategic promotion, we ensure that our interviews and podcasts reach the right audience, leading to a 55% increase in brand visibility.

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Comprehensive Planning

We meticulously plan each session, aligning it with your brand’s message and goals for maximum impact.

Our Streamlined Approach

We elevate, innovate, and communicate by crafting stories that resonate with your brand and inspire your audience. Here’s our unique approach.

We kick things off by understanding your crypto brand, its objectives, and target audience to craft a bespoke PR and media strategy.

Our expert team of writers and editors produce compelling, accurate, and newsworthy content that truly encapsulates your brand’s message.

We ensure your stories reach the right people at the right time, leveraging our extensive network of media contacts across the crypto space.

With our comprehensive reports, we analyze the impact of your PR campaigns, refining our strategies to ensure continuous success.

Why Interviews & Podcasts Matter

Interviews and podcasts can amplify your brand’s voice. Here’s why they’re transformative.

Brand Visibility

A well-conducted interview or podcast can significantly boost your brand's visibility, capturing the attention of potential investors and enthusiasts.

Community Building

Regular interactions with your brand can enhance community engagement, fostering a loyal user base.

Expert Authority

Sharing valuable insights through interviews and podcasts can position your brand as an authority in the Web3 community.

Public Relations

A well-hosted session can improve your brand's public relations, creating a positive image in the crypto community.

Increased Trust

Transparent and interactive sessions can increase audience trust in your brand.

Competitive Advantage

Crypto brands that host engaging interviews and podcasts are more likely to stand out in the crowded Web3 market.


Podcast management services refer to professional services that help podcasters with various aspects of podcast production, distribution, and growth. These services can include tasks such as audio editing, show notes creation, episode scheduling, podcast hosting, marketing, audience growth, and monetization strategies.

Utilizing podcast management services can offer several benefits, including:

  • Time savings: Outsourcing podcast management tasks allows you to focus on creating high-quality content while leaving the technical and administrative aspects to experts.
  • Professional editing: Podcast management services often include professional audio editing, ensuring that your episodes sound polished and engaging.
  • Consistency and organization: Podcast managers can help with episode scheduling, show notes creation, and maintaining a consistent release schedule, ensuring your podcast runs smoothly.
  • Distribution and hosting: Services may assist with podcast hosting and distribution to popular podcast platforms, maximizing your podcast’s reach and visibility.
  • Marketing and promotion: Podcast management services can help promote your podcast through social media, email marketing, and other channels, attracting a wider audience and increasing listener engagement.
  • Audience growth strategies: Podcast managers may employ audience growth strategies, such as SEO optimization, guest booking, and collaborations, to expand your listener base.
  • Monetization opportunities: Services can guide you on various monetization options, such as sponsorships, advertising, merchandise sales, or crowdfunding, to help generate revenue from your podcast.

Podcast management services can vary, but common services include:

  • Audio editing: Professional editing to enhance sound quality, remove background noise, adjust levels, and add intro/outro music or sound effects.
  • Show notes and transcriptions: Creating detailed show notes, summaries, timestamps, and transcriptions to accompany each episode for SEO purposes and accessibility.
  • Episode scheduling: Assisting with episode planning, scheduling, and release management to maintain a consistent publishing schedule.
  • Podcast hosting: Helping you choose a reliable podcast hosting platform and managing the technical aspects of hosting and RSS feed distribution.
  • Marketing and promotion: Developing marketing strategies, managing social media accounts, creating promotional graphics, and implementing outreach efforts to grow your podcast’s audience.
  • Audience engagement: Engaging with your podcast’s audience through social media interactions, community management, and responding to listener feedback or questions.
  • Guest management: Assisting with guest booking, communication, and coordinating interviews or collaborations with relevant experts or influencers.
  • Monetization strategies: Advising on monetization options, sponsorship opportunities, advertising placements, and implementing strategies to generate revenue from your podcast.

Consider the following factors when choosing a podcast management service:

  • Experience and expertise: Look for services with a proven track record in podcast management and a deep understanding of the podcasting industry.
  • Services offered: Assess the range of services offered and ensure they align with your specific needs, whether it’s editing, marketing, audience growth, or monetization strategies.
  • Pricing and packages: Evaluate the pricing structure and packages offered by different services, considering your budget and the value provided in terms of services and support.
  • Client reviews and testimonials: Read reviews or testimonials from past or current clients to gauge the service provider’s reliability, responsiveness, and overall satisfaction.
  • Communication and support: Consider the level of communication and support the service provider offers. Clear and prompt communication is crucial for a smooth working relationship.
  • Customization and flexibility: Determine if the service can tailor their offerings to fit your unique podcasting goals, style, and requirements.
  • Compatibility and integration: Ensure that the podcast management service can work with your existing podcast hosting platform, tools, or software.

We love creating meaningful dialogues. Let's start yours.

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