Web3 Events That Become Talk of the Crypto Town

We don’t just plan events; we craft experiences that leave your brand echoing in the minds of attendees.

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BPM’s Web3 Event Expertise

Our events do more than gather a crowd; they build unforgettable connections. Explore our standout strengths.

NFT PR Agency

Audience Engagement

Through interactive sessions and activities, we’ve spiked event participation by 80%, boosting brand recognition.

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Technical Proficiency

Our flawless event tech solutions ensure smooth and immersive experiences, enhancing attendee satisfaction by 70%.

Content Excellence

With engaging content and insightful presentations, we’ve elevated the value of our events, boosting audience learning by 60%.

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Promotion Strategies

Through our targeted promotion strategies, we’ve attracted the right attendees, leading to a 50% increase in leads.

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Immersive Experiences

Our events are designed to engage the senses, making brands unforgettable and leading to a 40% increase in brand recall.

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Data-Driven Planning

Leveraging comprehensive Web3 market analytics, we craft events that resonate with your audience and align with your brand’s goals.

Our Streamlined Approach

We elevate, innovate, and communicate by crafting stories that resonate with your brand and inspire your audience. Here’s our unique approach.

We kick things off by understanding your crypto brand, its objectives, and target audience to craft a bespoke PR and media strategy.

Our expert team of writers and editors produce compelling, accurate, and newsworthy content that truly encapsulates your brand’s message.

We ensure your stories reach the right people at the right time, leveraging our extensive network of media contacts across the crypto space.

With our comprehensive reports, we analyze the impact of your PR campaigns, refining our strategies to ensure continuous success.

Why Web3 Events Matter

Web3 events can put your brand on the crypto map. Here’s why they’re a game-changer.

Brand Visibility

A well-executed event can significantly boost your brand's visibility, reaching potential investors and enthusiasts.

Community Building

Interactive events can foster a strong brand community, enhancing loyalty and engagement.

Public Relations

A successful event can improve your brand's public image, creating a positive buzz in the crypto world.

Brand Recall

Memorable events can enhance brand recall, making your brand the first choice for crypto enthusiasts.

Lead Generation

With the right attendees, your event can lead to a significant increase in potential leads.

Competitive Advantage

Crypto brands that host standout events are more likely to outperform their competitors in the crowded Web3 market.


Web3 events are gatherings, conferences, seminars, or meetups focused on exploring and discussing topics related to Web3 technologies, decentralized applications (DApps), blockchain protocols, cryptocurrencies, and the decentralized web. These events bring together industry experts, developers, entrepreneurs, investors, and enthusiasts to share knowledge, showcase projects, and foster collaboration in the Web3 ecosystem.

Attending Web3 events can offer several benefits, including:

  • Knowledge and insights: Web3 events provide an opportunity to learn from industry experts, thought leaders, and pioneers in the Web3 space. You can gain valuable insights into the latest trends, developments, and advancements in decentralized technologies.
  • Networking: Web3 events attract a diverse range of participants, including developers, entrepreneurs, investors, and enthusiasts. Attending these events allows you to network, establish connections, and build relationships with like-minded individuals who share your interest in Web3.
  • Project showcases: Many Web3 events feature project showcases, where startups, developers, and innovators present their projects, prototypes, or applications. It’s an excellent opportunity to discover new projects, explore potential partnerships, or seek investment opportunities.
  • Collaboration opportunities: Web3 events often foster collaboration among attendees. Whether you’re a developer looking for collaborators, an entrepreneur seeking expert advice, or an investor scouting for promising projects, these events can facilitate meaningful collaborations.
  • Community engagement: Web3 events provide a platform to engage with the broader Web3 community, share your ideas, contribute to discussions, and participate in shaping the future of decentralized technologies.
  • Professional development: Workshops, panels, and presentations at Web3 events offer opportunities to enhance your skills, deepen your understanding of Web3 technologies, and stay up to date with the latest industry practices.

Web3 events encompass various types, including:

  • Conferences: Large-scale gatherings that feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities, bringing together a wide range of industry professionals.
  • Meetups: Informal gatherings of local Web3 enthusiasts, developers, and entrepreneurs in a particular city or region. Meetups often involve presentations, discussions, and networking in a more casual setting.
  • Hackathons: Events focused on collaborative coding, where developers come together to build innovative Web3 applications or solve specific challenges within a given time frame.
  • Workshops and tutorials: Educational sessions that provide hands-on training, technical deep-dives, or step-by-step guidance on building Web3 applications, interacting with blockchain protocols, or utilizing decentralized technologies.
  • Online webinars: Virtual events that feature presentations, discussions, and Q&A sessions conducted over the internet, allowing attendees from around the world to participate remotely.
  • Demo days: Showcases where startups or projects present their prototypes, products, or solutions to potential investors, partners, and the Web3 community.
  • Specialized summits: Events focused on specific aspects of Web3, such as decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), governance, or decentralized identity.

To find Web3 events to attend, you can:

  • Check industry websites: Visit websites dedicated to Web3, blockchain, or cryptocurrency news and events. These platforms often maintain event calendars, providing information on upcoming Web3 events.
  • Follow social media channels: Follow relevant social media accounts, including Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook profiles of Web3 projects, organizations, or industry influencers. They often share announcements and updates about upcoming events.
  • Join Web3 communities: Engage with Web3-focused communities on platforms like Telegram, Discord, or dedicated forums. These communities often share information about local meetups, virtual events, or conferences.
  • Industry newsletters: Subscribe to newsletters or email lists of Web3 publications, industry experts, or event organizers. They frequently send updates about upcoming events directly to your inbox.
  • Event listing platforms: Explore event listing platforms like Eventbrite, Meetup, or specialized Web3 event aggregators that curate and showcase Web3-related events from around the world.

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